Sunday, June 22, 2014

Why do we think it's cool, to pretend we're something we're not?

Society depicts the "cool people" with certain characteristics. Sometimes being cool  is being a rebel and breaking the rules.

As LDS members society sees us sometimes as "rule keepers" who play it safe, wear our skirts to our knees, don't swear, don't party, etc. You know the drill.

Now, I am all for being rebellious. Anyone who knows me, knows I am rebellious force. I have a mouth on me, and a bite that'll sting you back. If I wana wear shorts, I do. I hate sticking with the crowd, and doing-it-just-because-everyone-else-is-doing-it. People think I can be blunt or rude, but I'm just being the most vocal about what everyone else is thinking.

BUT. Here's my problem.
As Mormon's we think we're cool when we're going to the big parties. Because that's what other "cool people" do right?
Particularly, in the college life style.
Well going to a party with friends is definitely fun, no doubt about it.
But going to a college party, with rap music so loud you can hear it clearly from 10 blocks away, pretending to drink some type of alcoholic drink (whether calling it Mormon beer, or shots of mountain dew) because you wana post on facebook about the rebellious thing you did last night by pretending to drink vodka from a wine glass, so people think you're awesome. No. That's not ok. No, you're not cool.
Lets not pretend that these parties in little Rexburg Idaho are so spiritually feeding, and innocent because everyone there is Mormon.

If you wana be a bit rebellious, show a more dangerous side, do it, awesome for you! But don't think that even just pretending to throw down your standards for a night of fun, is cool. Because it's not.

Those huge parties you go to, because you think they're fun, tell me, do you feel the spirit there? No. I didn't think so.

I know because I've been to them. So no, I'm not some innocent by stander watching everyone do it, I've done it too. But I didn't do it because I wanted to be cool, I did it because I actually disagreed with some rules.

I'm just tired of seeing so many people wanting to be cool and pretending be someone they are not to do it.
Do whatever you want, I'm not stopping you. But I am saying to pick a side, and stay there. Don't pick a side, and take a couple steps across the line when the sun goes down. Because that's not what we represent. Don't go to some big party on a Saturday night, make out with 10 strangers, and grind on every thing you see; then show up to church the next day and think you're some spiritual giant. It doesn't work that way.

And by the way, these parties in the Burg are not quite like the college parties you'd see at UCLA, UCSB, etc. If you went to those expecting a bunch of people trying to be cool by mutually breaking their standards, you wouldn't find that. You'd get a much ruder awakening.

So in short. Going to these parties because you wana be cool? You're not. Pretending to be something one day and changing the next? Not cool.
Picking standards, and sticking to them even if others don't think it's cool? That's cool. 

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