Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Our Modern Society

So by now I'm sure everyone has heard the news of the UCSB shooting. No, I won't call it that, I'll call it the UCSB mass killing spree.

A mass killing spree is defined by the FBI as 4 or more people being murdered in the event. And not every victim was killed by a gun, they were also stabbed.

With this latest event it's revived the discussions of gun control, mental health, and poisonous ideology. Naturally.

And the nation is searching for a way to prevent the tragedies. Politicians see it as a new excuse to tighten gun laws. Others want stricter, more in-depth background checks, others call for better treatment programs for the mentally ill.

We're all so busy trying to come up with solutions, no one bothers to try and really understand why this is happening.
No I don't just mean more mass shootings and killing sprees. I mean, why are we suddenly seeing an increase in them?
Because that's what the media wants us to see.

In all reality, shootings haven't necessarily actually increased. We're just hearing about them more. According to the FBI a mass killing takes place approximately every 2 weeks. That's right every 2 weeks. Now I know we see a lot of shootings these days, but not every 2 weeks. Why don't we hear about them? Because the media chooses which ones are worth exploiting and which aren't. The ones at schools or areas that are supposed to be "safe" are worth exploiting.
The others deemed unworthy are because they are more private affairs, where the victims are close family members or friends of the perpetrator.

But while we continue to exploit these situations, lets discuss why none of the proposed solutions are going to work.
Most of the people who commit these crimes are psychopathic. Lets take the therapy route. People are insisting we give better therapy, treatment, etc. Well that won't work for a psychopathic. We honestly know very little about the psychopathic mind and why it is the way it is. But therapy, wouldn't work. These individuals not only will actually dislike therapy, but it won't have any affect on them. In fact in a study done on children in a summer camp in the 90's, they separated the children into 2 separate groups, each made of psychopaths. They gave therapy and treatment to one group, and none to the other. Then followed the children throughout their years to observe their behavior. Turns out, the psychopathic children who received treatment, actually had a 30% higher rate at executing promiscuous, and violent behavior, than those who had not received treatment.
If therapy is given from a very early age, there's a chance it may work. Supposedly you can teach a psychopath to understand what right and wrong is, though they may not ever feel why. Though these theories are still in development.

Psychopaths are not crazy. Psychopaths are not psychotic. They are usually fairly smart. And that is why the excel in manipulating others and getting to such high positions.
Not only would therapy not work, psychopaths are professional in pretending they are perfectly normal. Even the most acclaimed, experienced therapist, may have a hard time deciphering a psychopath if they aren't telling the truth about themselves.

Tighter gun control laws: Need I really explain why this wouldn't work?
Simply put, since when did bad guys obey laws?
25% of mass shooters obtained their guns illegally. Russia and most parts of Europe have extremely tight gun laws, but a much higher percentage of murders and gun violence than the US. In fact, in the US, gun ownership is actually declining.

Another fact that puts all this into perspective: Mass/school/public shooting victims, make up a whopping 1% of the total victims killed by gun violence.

Scares you huh?

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