Sunday, May 25, 2014

What do you do, when you're no longer happy?

Ok, lets be honest. I've never LOVED Rexburg. But for the first 2 or even 3 years, I kinda liked it. But I do think most of that was due to having some awesome friends here.
And fair warning: this is going to be a beast of a post.

Anyway, fast forward to now. I HATE REXBURG. Very passionately. I know this whole post may seem cynical. And maybe I'm ok with that cause it's not like anyone else is reading this :P

And I know I am not alone. We have friends here who feel the same, I know Ryan feels the same (because we vent to each other every night).
But we just feel now like Rexburg, is the most selfish, naive, judgmental, disorganized place I've ever known.
I grew up in Reno, been to Vegas, and Utah, and lived in Southern California (LA/San Diego area). And never have I ever met a more judgmental community.

I had a discussion with a girl the other day who has similar thoughts. And it's made me realize how much I'm not quite sure I like the LDS culture.
Don't get me wrong, I love the gospel, I love the church and the things it's done for me. But it's like that saying, "The church is true. But the people aren't."
I think sometimes as a culture we get, well cultured. Being Mormon is it's own culture. And for the most part, it's pretty great. But there are some, some not all, LDS members (and I'm speaking particularly about the Rexburg area) that are just...harsh.
I don't even know if it's the students, because for the most part, I enjoy the school. I love feeling the spirit on campus just walking to class. I love when I'm stressing in a class, just down the hall I'll hear another singing an opening hymn and it helps calm me. I love (most of) the teachers.

But I do think some people raised in the church are raised in a bubble. A selfish, naive bubble. They come here and do either 1 or both, of two things. They either get here and judge everyone who has slight variations in what they feel is ok. For example, people think PG-13 movies will destroy the spirit. And it's true some can. But if I wana watch Catching Fire, I don't want to be judged because of it. And considered a "spirit ruinner."
Or they get here and realized how sheltered they've been and want to do EVERYTHING that actually is bad. And still judge someone else for doing the same thing.
I've never seen hornier kids, so obsessed with sex, than I've seen here. They think NCMO's are ok. FYI: NO THEY ARE NOT OK!
But if in the off chance anyone is reading this who doesn't know me, I don't want you to think this is how all Mormon's are. They're not. This is just the few here in Rexburg. And even then, it's not everyone here in Rexburg.

But I'm just rambling about opinion of the students now. That's besides the point.
Rexburg, I don't like it. Ok that's a lie. I like Rexburg, during the 7 week break, you know, when 99% of the student population LEAVES. And it actually becomes quite a lovely town.
The only people left are the people who actually know how to drive.
(Another thing, no one in Rexburg knows how to drive. Especially, when we have 7 ft of snow).

The city itself, is poorly kept up. There's roundabouts and stop signs where there should be traffic lights. And visa versa.
It's dangerous! There are SO many students out walking in hoards, crossing the street, cars can't get through. Tempers flare, pedestrians don't look before they walk, and people have gotten hurt.
So what does the city do? Instead of trying to improve the dangerous, most used cross streets and intersections, they are redoing a rode that yes, most certainly needs a light. But also, IS NEVER USED.

Add to all this the frustrations of school, and trying to get good grades and hating particular classes and the freshman in them, you've got a pretty good cup 'o' hate.

I know this whole post seems....negative. But all I want, all anyone wants to be happy. And it just seems like all of a sudden that's not happening.

And in all this I haven't even mentioned the stress's of my job. But I can't write about that now.
All I can say is, I don't know if I should stick it out. Or are there better opportunities elsewhere? What if there aren't?

People have said if you're really this unhappy, you should consider moving. Well, where to? Ryan still has a number of school years left, so if we moved I'd want him to go to a school with a great engineering program.
I am thankful I at least have Ryan, and he understands me.

For me? Pretty much anywhere is better than Rexburg. As long as there's artistic opportunities there, such as galleries, shows, exhibitions, etc. moving really the answer? Because the last thing I want to do is wish for something I'll regret.

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