I wanted to bring something up today. I saw it in an article on the LDS Living site.
I typically don't really like that site because I feel like it's pretty biased and not always intelligently written or thought out.
But it brought up a good point. The article itself was on why we as a society will approve of the use of pornography and think it's okay (despite the dozens and dozens and dozens of studies and research that has proven how it literally destroys the chemical balances in our mind). Society will think pornography is ok, but we will create harsh laws of consequence for things as small as littering. Dropping a candy wrapper can result in a $25,000 fine in some states.
But besides all this, it reminded me of a concept studied in criminology.
As human beings, why do we think some things are wrong and others are right? What determines an act as immoral or moral?
Do we think something is bad, because it really is bad? Or do we think it's bad, because there's a law saying it is bad?
It makes me wonder how we justify the use of pornography? Do we feel it may be morally wrong, but it's okay because there's no laws against it?
I think that's why it's such a heated argument, because it draws in the concept of morals, and whenever we accuse someone of having bad morals it's an insult.
Why is that an insult?
I think it's because we are naturally spiritual beings.
Ok I'm gona bring the taboo word into my blog. Ready? God.
That's right I said it. I'm bringing up religion. And I'll try to do it as cheese-lessly as possible.
But I mean think about it. In my beliefs we weren't just created out of a bunch of materials randomly coming together. We were created with a spirit and with a purpose. Our spirits, having been with God before, are in tune to knowing what's right and wrong, in our hearts.
Just something I wanted to propose for you to think about. Exercise your brain!
If you wana read the article I read, here's the link to it.
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